Legal Cases: Lecture II


I. Review

II. Booker T. Washington (1895)

A. Occasion/Audience

B. To African Americans

1.   Start at bottom; work to top

2.   “Dignify and glorify common labor” (122)

3.   Become useful citizen (123)

4.   Economic, not political opportunity (124)

C. To white Southerner

1.   Employ African Americans, not foreigners (122)

2.   A patient, faithful, devoted labor force (122)

3.   No fear of social equality (124)

D. Prosperous New South

E. Metaphor of hand (122)

III. W. E. B. Du Bois (1897)

A. Audience

B. Opportunity (144, 149)

1.Spiritual as well as economic

2. Souls v. hands

         C. Metaphor of the Veil (142)

         D. Double consciousness (143)

IV. Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

A. Majority opinion

1. Is separate but equal


2. 13th Amendment (42-43)

3. 14th Amendment

a. Intention (44)

b. Reasonable (50)

c. Logical fallacy (50)

B. Harlan's dissent

1. 13th Amendment

                 "badges of servitude" (59)

2. 14th Amendment

a. intention (54-5)

b. not reasonable, but


"color-blind" (57)

c. not logic, but

                                  history: “thin disguise” (59)